Okay, I guess I'll start with a little introduction into my classes here in Denmark. I'm taking four elective classes and one core class. My core class is European Business Strategy and is comprised of about 35 business students from all around the United States, but most are from the East Coast and being a bit of a West Coast girl I didn't realize how serious some people are. It was definitely a little bit of a culture shock, but regards of our differences the students in my class are fabulous and I'm super excited to get to travel with all of them. See part of our program is a 3 day study tour, which took place in the beginning of February and a week long one that is coming up next week. Don't worry I'll go on to explain all about my short study tour later on in this post. I'm also taking Danish Language, Muslims in the West, Church and State, and Human Trafficking in Europe. Of all my classes though my Danish Language is actually my favorite! Not because I'm all that good with languages, but because the students are amazing and my professor is just about the most fabulous Dane I've met so far. To prove that I have actually learned something in Danish I'm going to spend the next few lines telling you all what my name is, where I'm from, what I'm studying, and where I live in Denmark. I am able to say a little more than that, but I don't want to bore you. So, here it goes... Hej! Jeg hedder Helen. Jeg kommer fra Flagstaff i Arizona. Jeg laese business og Jeg bor med en familie i brØnshØj. (sorry the Ø is so big, don't really know how to make it any smaller!). Well, there's some Danish for you!
Well, I haven't just been studying here, even though that's kind of what my dad secretly wishes! I've been discovering the great Danish culture! Which thankfully includes some pretty amazing foods! My friends and I have discovered this amazing bakery just a few blocks from our school and frequently visit it. They have a special that changes every day and for only 12 kroner, which is about 2 dollars you can purchase a freshly baked pastry! So far my favorite is wienerbrØt, which is similar to an American danish, but much better! Just imagine an American danish coated in butter and then baked! It's pretty amazing! Danish beer, however, is not as good as they advertise. However, my favorite tag line is "Carlsberg. Probably the best beer in the World".
A few weekends ago my core class went on a 3 day 2 night trip to western Denmark. And now that I've seen most of the Danish countryside I can honestly tell you that Denmark is COMPLETELY flat! We visited two businesses, but otherwise we just had fun. On the sunday we actually got to go paintballing! I've never been so sore!
This coming Sunday my core class will be visiting London for a whole week, which I think all of us are super super excited for. It should be absolutely amazing!!!! We get to do a lot of touristy things as well, which should make the trip a lot of fun! And then when I get back it's only one week till my parents and my good friend Shannon are here for their visit!
Well that's all for now! I'll try to post whenever I remember a good story! Hope all is well back at home and I miss you all a lot!
(Sorry if there are tons of typos!)
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